backflow prevention device testing

Commercial plumbing, drainage and backflow prevention

Accuracy Plumbing provides a hassle free and cost-effective backflow prevention device testing service in Brisbane. These devices prevent potentially polluted water from backflowing into the mains water supply and are required by most councils to be fitted in specific circumstances, for example:

  • Commercial or industrial business are connected to the mains water supply.
  • Pollutants, chemicals or grease traps are located near water outlets.
  • Underground rainwater tanks are connected to the mains water supply.
  • There is an irrigation system, hydrants or fire hose reels on the site.

When a backflow prevention device is required, its installation is recorded on the council’s Backflow Register. An annual registration fee and testing of the device is also required on an annual basis. Once we have installed, replaced or tested these devices, we complete and submit all required paperwork to the relevant council.

It’s important to note that not all plumbers are qualified to install, repair and test backflow prevention devices. All our plumbers, however, have the necessary licences for this type of work.


Types of backflow prevention devices

Depending on the source of the potential pollutants, there are three different types of backflow prevention devices that can be installed, as follows:

  • High risk where the potentially polluted water supply has the capacity to result in death or long term health problems.
  • Medium risk where the potentially polluted water supply could endanger people’s health.
  • Low risk where the potentially polluted water supply would not endanger people’s health but is considered as a nuisance.

Backflow prevention devices – installations

If you believe that your business requires a backflow prevention device, you will need to have one installed as quickly as possible. Once completed, we inform the local council and you will begin to receive annual registration and testing notifications. Once on the register, if you don’t have your backflow prevention device tested annually and your plumber doesn’t send in the required notifications, you will receive reminders from your local council and eventually, penalties for non-compliance.

The team at Accuracy Plumbing can install all the necessary backflow prevention devices required on your property. We can also advise you where these devices should be installed.


Backflow prevention devices – repairs and replacements

If we have tested your backflow prevention device and it isn’t working correctly, we can repair or replace the device, as necessary. If we replace or remove one of these devices, we are required to inform the council. If the device has been removed, your local council may audit the area to ensure that the device is indeed, no longer required.


Backflow prevention devices - testing

Accuracy Plumbing can perform the required annual testing of these devices on your property. We can schedule these tests, calling you beforehand to let you know that it’s due and make a time to visit and perform these tests. Once completed, we complete all necessary paperwork and submit the appropriate forms to your local council.

call our backflow prevention plumbers for a free quote

With a professional and experienced plumber available to install, repair, remove, replace and test all your backflow prevention devices, your business will always remain safe and compliant.  Call us today!